RESULTS ARE IN! The Aquaciser is a huge success!

Aquaciser services offered in Ocala
Developed in Australia, the Aquaciser simulates training in the ocean, an age-old training method used by many famous trainers in Europe and Australia. 1930’s horse racing star Pharlap and 3 time Grand National Winner Red Rum are noted for their training regimes in the ocean.
The Aquaciser offers a concussion free, intense aerobic work out. This method of training is ideal for older horses returning from a layoff or babies who have had minor set backs due to “growing pains” allowing us to maintain their level of fitness. The horses walk or jog in shoulder deep cold water (50 -55 degrees) pushing the water and creating a current as they move. The cold water is also a benefit to the horse as it reduces pain and inflammation.
In the Aquaciser, up to six horses train simultaneously. The Aquaciser itself is similar in shape and size to the European Horse Walker that is used throughout the world. The horses walk down a gradual declining chute, allowing them to become accustomed to the temperature and depth of the water. Once they enter the circular structure of the Aquaciser they free walk and when they have achieved a certain level of fitness, will continue on at a jog.
This revolutionary method of training is one of only two in North America. The Aquaciser is very popular in Australia and is in use at many top horse farms with plans to install one at the Racetrack in Melbourne and Sydney. Darley has also installed one in Dubai as a training method for their racing program. We are delighted to be on the cutting edge of this new training method. Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions or wish to visit our facilities…